MCC Updates

We update on everything MCC related, from practice streams to announcements and more!

We are not associated officially with the Noxcrew or Minecraft Championships

The people running this account are a group that likes to be referred to as Team Text Wall or TTW for short.

You don't need to know who any specific individuals are, but all members are in the following of our twitter account!

Refer to us as a collective/multiple people!

Our Policies:

We will miss things. Don't be annoying if we don't update something immediately! We can't be everywhere at once. If there's anything that you noticed that you think we should update please DM us! Our DM's are open.

Be respectful to Scott and the Noxcrew, especially about MCC's return. We want it as much as you, but don't go out of your way to bug them!

On this account we only post things related to MCC. If one of the admins interacts with you it will be on their personal account.

We do not engage with or mention any ongoing drama/news. This is an updates account and will only have objective updates.

Please be civil and respectful to the MCC players in our comments.

We do recap threads on a case by case basis depending on how important an admin thinks a stream is. Most practice streams are just people messing around!

We only update someone being on the practice map if they are both in vc and on the server in a practice stream!

A lot of our policies are to limit the amount we tweet considering we update for an event with more than 50 people

DM the updates account if you have any questions, and thank you for supporting us!

MCC Players

A list of all the content creators we'll be updating on and their twitter @'s